Our group from the States are gone. I took a day off and now I'm back in the swing of life in Croatia. We've been having great services. Usually we are way down in the summer and we pray for the fall. This summer has been really good. I pray it continues.

I spent 10 hours yesterday putting in two ceiling fans in our church. If you are wondering why it took so long, it's because I had no idea what I was doing. So far the Church hasn't burnt down. If it doesn't burn before Sunday then I call my work a success.
These fans are going to be a blessing. It's been very hot here lately and it's hard for people to sit in 90 degree weather.
Yea, good job baby! They look great and I can't wait to feel their effect in church tonight.
It's amazing what we can do and learn when we have to isn't it? Good job. Missionaries always have to figure out how to get the job done. Hope ya have many cooler services in the future!
Welcome back to Blogville. One of the proudest achievements of my life was installing a security light by myself. It also took me several hours. But it actually turned on and nothing burned down. I hope your folks enjoy the difference!
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