Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mormon soul-winner!

I thought I have seen everything, but tonight I saw something new! A Mormon soul-winner! Last week we had a man drop in on our services. After the service I presented the Gospel to him, and when I ask him if he wanted to receive Christ, he said he's already done that at the Mormon church. It was then I realized he was a Mormon. We began to debate awhile and he finally left.

Tonight he showed up again, but this time he brought someone with him. After the service, I and some other men in the church led the Mormon's friend to the Lord! Amen! I later learned that the Mormon came back to try and debate with me more. Boy was he surprised as his friend got gloriously saved, and he again heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ! So I guess God can even use Mormon's to bring people to Jesus!

We had a great day today. There was a total of 4 saved! Praise Almighty God!

Monday, April 5, 2010

God's good!

Well Glory! We finished our conference yesterday, all I can say is that God is good! The Lord saved three Croatian souls! Bro Smith was used in a great way. Our hearts were stirred and we all got closer to God. In the afternoon he taught on Beholding His Glory! It was a great blessing to be reminded that we need to focus on Jesus, and less on self! I'm looking forward to seeing what God is going to do for our Church as we continue to serve the Lord!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Great start!

We kicked off both conferences yesterday and heaven came down! Brother Smith did an excellent job and my heart was really blessed. I'm looking forward to what will happen today.

In the morning we are having sessions for missionaries, and the theme is behold His Glory! I know in my life I need to behold His glory and not try to live for my glory! Brother Smith painted a wonderful picture of the glory of Christ!

In the evenings we are having a revival for our church here. The theme is about the end of the world. Last night Brother Smith preached on earthquakes, and everyone was looking for Jesus, after they heard that message! My heart was stirred to do more for Jesus, for He really could come back today!

We also had a first time visitor show up, named Vladamir. He was glorious saved last night!

Just wanted to thank all of you for praying! Please continue to do so, we hope even greater things will happen tonight!

Brother Scott leading the singing! He has a servants heart and has really been a blessing to me along with his entire family!

Brother Smith teaching us in the morning session!

Brother Pranger, missionary in Budapest, singing a special in English and Russian!

Brother Smith, being translated by Bro. Rich, shucking the corn! He was getting after it!