
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Soul-winning marathon!

In three days our soul-winning marathon will begin! Our good friend Sam Ward will be returning to Croatia for 16 days. I'll pick him up at the airport at 2:00 on Saturday. He told me, "brother Johnny bring some tracts while we are in the capitol because I want to spend a few hours to get started." I guess jet lag and all we will begin the marathon on Saturday!

Last year God did incredible things! We had a total of 76 saved in 10 days. When brother Sam left, the church here was on fire! We are all excited about what God is going to do. We have a goal to see 100 people saved and 10 baptized! For Europe that seems impossible, but we know nothing is impossible for our God.

I know I have not blogged in awhile. I hope to be more faithful about it in the future. I'll be giving updates through out our soul-winning marathon. Please be praying for this. Brother Sam and I will spend 5-7 hours a day soul-winning. We need God's power and we need your prayers!


  1. I can't wait to see the results in a few weeks. I'm sure, like you said, God is going to do big things!

  2. Amen, brother, we'll be praying for you all.

  3. Welcome back Bro. Johnny! I will be praying for your marathon. You and Dr. Raz are inspiring for us to get motivated on our own soul winning large projects. May God bless your efforts.


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