
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Well Glory!!!!!!!!!

After much work, I just read the last Amen in the book of Revelation! I thought I was going to have a shouting fit! For you that have no ideal what I'm talking about let me explain. For the last three years we have been translating the New Testament into the Croatian language. We are close to finishing it, and the excitement around here is growing. We are all working hard to proof it a final time to weed out any mistakes that might be. The last two months I've been busy listening to the KJV online while reading the Croatian text. This has helped me to compare it with God's Holy Word! This method has proven very fruitful. I've been able to find many problems and get them fixed. Well about 10 minutes ago I started Revelation chapter 22. The closer I got to the end the more excited I got. When John said the last amen, I shouted amen right along with him. Praise Almighty God!

We have a total of two weeks left on the project. Brother Rich and his wife are reading it one final time to get rid of any grammatical mistakes! On November the 1st we will send it to Myra Noel in Texas. She will format it for us and make it look like a Bible. Then off to India it goes. Yes you heard right India! There Brother Treadwell out of Heritage Baptist Church will print it for us! I can not describe what it feels like, after 9 years to almost have the Word of God in the Croatian language in our hands!

All I can say is, Weeeeeeellllllllll Glory!!!!!


  1. That's wonderful news! God is great!


  2. That's awesome! Can't imagine how ya'll must feel at the end of such a project. Can't wait to get a copy!

  3. Bro. James,

    No problem they'll be 29.95 plus shipping and handling! Ha ha!

  4. 29.95 isn't bad; it's the shipping and handling that scares me.

  5. Wow, I can't even believe that the NT is almost finished. How strange it will be to see everyone with the same Bible and for there not to be little bumps in the sermon due to the translation problems.
    I can't wait!!!

  6. Glory to God!
    The entrance of thy words giveth light;
    Oh God! Save Croatia!

  7. Praise God! I'm sooo excited for ya'll. My heart just swelled in joy for you guys as I read this post

  8. I am so excited that it is almost finished! I can hardly wait to start typesetting. Our God is so good!


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