
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kid's Day 2009

Today we had a program for children, which we simply called kids day. Tomorrow all of the children will go back to school, so we wanted to give one last try at reaching some of them for Christ. I can say God blessed and we had 54 in attendance. I had over 30 in my 9 passenger van. When I took them home I did it in two trips. Several prayed to receive Christ and all of them heard a good message from Pastor Rich about being fishers of men. Brother Rich organized most of it and he did a great job. It makes me feel great to see him take charge of something and do a good job at it.


  1. Awesome! Glad to see you posting again, Bro. Johnny.

  2. It's exciting to look again at all those kids. Looks like they had a great time. Keep up the great work, brother Johnny and co!

  3. What a great time we had even though it was a bit chaotic. Can it be anything but chaotic when Gypsy kids are involved. They're a hoot.

  4. Gypsy kids are chaotic? I must have some gypsy kids living on my route in Garland!


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