
Monday, August 17, 2009

This and That!

I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I would just tell you a little bit of whats been going on around here.

First: We have had our 1st teen meeting at our church. This has been an area of weakness for us here, because until lately we've had no teens. However, now that we are picking up the kids from the different villages we have quickly gained kids from all age groups including teens.

Last Friday night we had our first meeting with them, and God blessed in a great way. We had 18 teens present and 4 were saved!

My wife did a great job with gathering a few silly games for them. It turned out to be a blast. After singing and games we had preaching.

During the invitation several came to the platform so I could pray with them, and 4 others came to receive Jesus!

We then had pizza and a boxing tournament. Ok not a real boxing tournament it was with the Nintendo Wii. We gave the winner some boxing gloves, I bet their parents are happy. We look forward to working further with this age group.

Second: We continue to press forward with Soul-winning. I'm really trying to emphasis Soul-warning. This Sunday I told our people that it is the job of our Church to warn everyone in our county of the judgement to come. I hope they will take the challenge and join me in Soul-warning.

Third: We are leaving today for a family vacation. Our land-lord has an apartment on the coast and he is allowing us to stay their for free! We are so excited. Once again God did something big for our family.

I'm not sure if I'll have e-mail so you may not hear from me for two weeks. When we return I'll post lots of pictures.

God bless!


  1. Praise God for the teens who were saved and for them participating! I pray your people take the soul winning challenge - it is hard to get people to go. Have fun on your vacation! What a blessing from the landlord.

  2. Amen, brother. That's fantastic.


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