
Monday, June 1, 2009

Great Sunday!

Yesterday we ended our 10 week program for the children, and God blessed. Many kids where there and two of their moms showed up. This has been one of my goals from the beginning. I'm praying we can reach some of these Gypsy families through their children. Ljubica, Rich's wife, did a great job organizing everything. The children sang, and recited the verses they've learned. It was such a joy to see them up on the platform singing and quoting God's Word! Who knows the next Gypsy Smith may have been up there.

Our work with the Children will not stop here. I'll begin leading a children's church for them next Sunday.

Since we have begin working with these children it has been a battle all the way. Many of you that follow this blog know what I mean. One little girl in the van asked me last night, "Can we stay an extra hour." I wish adults had that attitude for church.


  1. Amen, what a blessing they have all been to me. Love all those hugs!

  2. That's great, Bro. Johnny! Praise the Lord!

  3. Great! Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone had the attitude that little girl has?! What a difference it would make in this wicked world.


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