
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Full time Soul-winner!

In Europe most towns have a square where people go to shop or drink coffee. Our town is no different, and the square has been a great place to pass out tracts and witness to anyone who will listen. In the town, close to the square, you will find big display cases on the side of the buildings. It has been my desire for sometime to use one of these for our Church. Well praise the Lord God opened a door so we could use one of these display cases.

This case will be a full time soul-winner! Yesterday my wife prepared a beautiful graphic, and we had it printed at a local photo shop. It looks great! The graphic says, God's gift for you and then it goes into God's wonderful plan of Salvation!

The location of our soul-winner is equally impressive. It's one building down from the main Catholic Church, and it's on the path directly to the big Catholic book store. It almost looks like God knew what He was doing.

Next to our full time soul-winner we are going to put a nice graphic with information about our Church. It will be great advertisement. People will see every time they walk by that there is another church in town!

God is so good! All I can do is praise Him for opening this door for us.


  1. Awesome! What a wonderful idea! I tell my husband all the time that I wish I had tons of money so that I could rent billboards up and down the highways and put messages on them about Christ and living right. More than just the ones that say "Got Jesus". For instance..."I do not care what you think. I care what GOD says!" and then put a scripture verse.


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