
Thursday, May 28, 2009

What does the Bible mean to you?

Tonight my lovely wife and I visited the new family we had on Friend day. Both of them were saved, I led them to the Lord about a month ago. As we were sitting around their table talking we were enjoying a great time of fellowship. We talked about the Lord, and how He loved them so much. Nikolina has had a really hard life. Her childhood was very unpleasant and her husband beat her and her children. How sweet it was to hear her talk about Jesus and her love for Him. She told me that through this dark time in her life she read the Bible and reached out to the Lord for help. It was a joy to tell her that the Lord sent me directly to her so that she could hear about the Savior.

We continued to talk and I explained to her that she needed to be baptized, and she said she already decided that she wanted to follow the Lord in baptism. We set a date and I'm so excited about it.

Nikolina then asked me sheepishly if I had an extra Bible that she could borrow. She wanted to read God's Word and she did not have a copy of it. Tori remembered that we had a an extra Bible in the car, so as we said our goodbyes they walked us out to the car so I could give her a New Testament. As I handed her the Bible I told her that she could have it. You should have seen the look on her face. She said, this better than a million dollars! She held the Bible with both hands close to her and was smiling from ear to ear.

I thought to myself, what does the Bible mean to me? Many times we take it for granted, but what if we did not have it? What does the Bible mean to you? Is it more precious than a million dollars? I pray to God that I'll have a great love for God and His Word!


  1. Amen. Great story. It is exciting to see the new work and the new people you are reaching there.

  2. Dear Bro. Johnny, I was just telling a lady this moring that I am teaching a Bible Study to in her home what the Bible means to me. I would rather lose anyTHING in this world rather than my Bible. It showed me what a GREAT sinner I am. It introduced me to the Lord Jesus. It gave me the way of Salvation by faith through Jesus alone. It has been my comfort,encouragement,light, Oh, I can not name of the words that express what it is to me, there are more words than I know how to exprss. I love my King James HOLY BIBLE, 1611 , more than my life. connie from Texas

  3. What a blessing yesterday was. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do with Emil and Nikolina.
    I love you for loving Jesus and others so much.

  4. Amen and Amen! In the USA we definitely take it for granted. We often have Bibles laying all around the house but many don't bother to pick it up and read it. Because it is readily available to most here, it isn't as precious as it should be.


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