
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day of ministry!

Every Saturday we've been able to play soccer with the kids that have been coming to church. I hope that through this they will see that I care about them. For the last three weeks we've had an average of 15 boys. Today my wife picked up a few of the girls. They wanted to come and watch.

It was good that they came, because my wife will teach them to love Jesus!

It's been hard keeping up with them. I was completely out of shape before I started playing soccer with them. After the first Saturday I hurt all over. After three weeks I still hurt all over. Hopefully next week the pain will reside. On a positive note I'm sleeping really good on Saturday nights!

I praise the Lord that He has put me in the ministry. I hope and pray that I can make a difference in the lives of just one of these boys!


  1. Great ministry! Gets the missionary in shape, too, LOL.

  2. What a great way to reach and disciple kids! Benefits for you too!


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