
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Behind enemy lines!

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. (II Timothy 2,3) After living on the mission field this verse has developed a stronger meaning for me. It is true that all Christians are soldiers in the Lord's army and they are all to endure hardness as a good soldier. However, I've learned that the mission field is like a soldier going behind enemy lines. The devil is strong in Croatia. He controls people by their religion, and by the pleasures of the flesh. Now I know he does that everywhere. This has been his method, he doesn't change it because it's been effective.

I must say that I've seen him fight harder here than anywhere else. This is his ground and he doesn't want to give any of it over. Every inch we've taken away from him we've had to battle for it. Every soul that's been won out of his grasp we've had to battle for it.

Just this week we've seen him battling again. One of my memebers, a gypsy member, told me that if one of the kids keep coming on the bus route that he would not come back. How sad is that! In the words of my good friend, Sam Ward, he needs to get over himself! Another way he fought this week was through one of the parents, they don't want their kids going to a Baptist church so they forbid them to come.

This week we've faced a week of battles. We will endure hardness as a good soldier. Dear Christian we are in a war for the souls of men and women; boys and girls. Let us all endure hardness as good soldiers for the Lord Jesus Christ! Let's go behind the enemy's line and take back what belongs to our Captain!

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. (II Timothy 2,4)


  1. Thank you for your testimony Bro. Johnny. You and Tori have been an encouragement to Terri and me during our battles. You are in our prayers.

  2. I'll be praying for you. Thanks for sharing these things with us. The Devil certainly does not want you to succeed in your work for Christ in Croatia. Keep at it, Brother!

  3. Amen! Some days it does feel as though we are behind enemy lines and there is such a strong hold. --Even here in America. There is no shame left, there is no sense of right or wrong just "what feels good to me" attitudes. The tattooing is driving me crazy! It is everywhere on almost everybody!

  4. Amen Brother.
    This is not simply a life and death struggle. It is far more important than that.


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