
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

God answers prayer!

I just wanted to share with you a blessing that I received this week. We are getting close to finishing the New Testament in Croatian. For you that may not know we have been translating the Bible into Croatian for the last few years. We are now just about done with the New Testament and I began to pray about finding someone to print it. About two weeks ago one of our supporting churches contacted us and said they had a man out of their Church who was a printer, Bro. Treadwell. Bearing Precious Seeds had sent a press to a church in India for them to use. So the church in India needed someone to run it. Bro. Treadwell left for India to run this press.

He contacted me a few days ago, and said he wants to help us print our Bible for free! Praise God! He told me that he believed God wanted him to do this and had already begun raising the money for the paper that will be needed. I about had a shouting fit when I got the news! Is anything to hard for the LORD?


  1. Woo-hoo! Praise the Lord!! :oD

  2. Ain't God Good! - All the time! My eyes teared in joy for your great news! How wonderful!

  3. God is so good and He's making a way! Praise the Lord!


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