
Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayer warriors needed!

This week proved a little difficult for our children's ministry! I arrived at the Gypsy village to pick the kids up, and there was not one ready for Church. Apparently one of the Fathers has forbidden his three kids from coming, and this may have spread to others in the village. Gypsy people are very clannish, and follow one another. This man is an alcoholic and has threatened me, although I have never met him. He is upset because we are Baptist. Now this is pretty normal in Croatia. Baptist are considered a sect. This has always been our biggest obstacle in Croatia.

I need some of you to join me in prayer this week, so that we don't loose this ministry. Please pray that the kids will return this Wednesday night. We need God to do a mighty work. Please pray that God will give me the courage to face this spiritual darkness. Everytime I drive into these villages I am going into the devil's play ground. Every sin you could imagine happens in these villages. They are a strong hold of Satan. I need God's power and God's help. These children are important to God. I pray that we can win some out of the devil's grasp!

Thank you for joing me in prayer.


  1. Heartbreaking! You have my prayers, Bro. Johnny...

  2. I'll be praying for you and that ministry.

  3. I'd sure love to get that cigarette of his kid's mouth and...well, I won't finish that sentence.

    Hopefully the kids love it so much their parents will send them back just to get them to stop nagging them to go. ;)


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