
Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Future of Croatia!

Croatia is a former communist country which once was a part of the former Yugoslavia. For years it was under the influence of communism. After living here for the last 9 years I certainly can see the effects of communism on the people of Croatia. In general Croats are very skeptical people. Most Croats don't trust others that easily, especially outsiders (like Americans). After all democracy and capitalism have been the great enemy of communism. This has added to the difficulty of reaching these precious souls.

Most Croats are not second generation Christians. Most of the people in our churches here are 1st generation Christians.This is why last night at church when I saw Ruben, he is Brother Rich's son, I was filled with joy. Ruben is a second generation Christian, and his dad and mom are teaching him to love God from his youth! After Church last night I caught him wearing his dad's suit coat and tie (picture above). Can you see that little boy a man (like I can) preaching the word of the Living God to his own people. They wont see him as an outsider, like they do the Americans. Can you see him (like I can) filled with the Spirit of God and leading 100's to Christ! Ruben and many more young people like him just may be the future of these precious souls!

Oh God help us to reach more children just like Ruben!


  1. Another wonderful post. What a blessing it'll be some day to see him serving and Croatia changing for the Glory of God!

  2. I see it! I know what you see. We have a little boy who is not saved yet that we have prayed for off and on for 4 years. His name is Miguel. Praise the Lord for Ruben! We too will look forward to see what God has in store for him.

  3. Hi there,
    Tori told us all to come over and say Hey to ya!

    What a great post and what a SWEET picture, what a blessing that this sweet little boy is getting the PRIVilage to grow up in a Christian home from a young age in a not so Christian Country...

  4. Another great post! Thanks so much for this! I'm praying for you guys. Keep it up.

  5. It is amazing to think what God can do! I am sure it will be exciting, as you see the people grow in the Lord. Hopefully, one day, that boy will use that picture in a illustration as he is reaching another generation!

  6. I always have loved looking at kids and teens and their potential for God. When you don't start serving God til you are in your
    30s, you love to see those young people who want to love and serve the Lord for their whole life. They have so much more time to build up treasures in heaven.


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