
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm Not alone!

For years I've asked the question, "Why are there not any missionaries in Croatia?" Many times in prayer I've cried out to God asking Him why? We have served God for almost 9 years in Croatia.Yet at this present time there are not any other Independent Baptist missionaries in Croatia. Although we do have two families on the way! Praise God for them!

Yesterday I woke up, like I do every Tuesday to meet Brother Rich (he is the national pastor) to work on the Bible project. I got to Church a little early to get prepared for the day at hand. Now I'm sitting in front of my computer, the coffee is started, and I'm waiting for Brother Rich to show up. All of a sudden depression sweeps over me, and I start to feel sorry for myself, because I'm the only Independent Baptist missionary in the country. So I start doing what any good Baptist would do, I start complaining to God. After all I want Him to feel sorry for me too. I begin to tell Him how Paul had Silas; Peter had John and James; even on the road to Emmaus there were two walking together with the Lord. Now I thought I had a good case going there, as God patiently listened to me whine. After I complained a while it was almost as if I heard God say, are you done?

Then in the silence the depression was gone as fast as it came! That's when God said you are not alone. I promised you can never be alone (Hebrews 13:5)! However, God wasn't finished speaking. It was as if something nudged me to turn my head to the right. That's when it hit me and I felt lower than a snakes belly! There was a desk next to mine that belonged to Brother Rich. I was waiting for Him to get to church so we could begin work. Brother Rich surrendered to preach under our ministry. I have trained him, and the church called him as their pastor. He has worked with me for the last 7 or 8 years. He and his family have given their lives to the Lord. They are sold out completely to God! The Lord said to me son you are not alone. Because number one I'm with you! Number two you have your Silas; you have your Peter; you have your Paul. He's a Croat not an American!

I've realized through this experience that no one should argue with God, because you can't possibly win! I've also realized God does exactly what He says He will do, but not always like we think He ought to do.

I want to remind all of my many missionary friends that we're not alone! God promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us!


  1. Great testimony! That's so good to hear your outlook like that. God really is with you and he will not leave you or forsake you. What a great testimony.

  2. Amen Brother! God brought that verse to my mind about 8 years ago when I was having a pity party for myself, and I have never forgotten that moment. God's Word is so precious. God is so precious. What would we do without Him.
    I thank God for brother Rich. He has been a great blessing to me, and I know he is to you!

  3. Oh Honey, what a wonderful post. How blessed we are to have such faithful people to stand with.

  4. That is such a blessing, Bro. Johnny! And it's so true that God never leaves us, nor forsakes us. Praise Him :o)

  5. Thank you for sharing. We have been in Spain for 9 years but working in a Baptist church plant now for almost 4. We have not yet had the privalege to see much fruit, but this testimony is a great great blessing! AMEN!!
    Came to your blog through Tori´s.

  6. I came over from your wife's blog...we are over in St. Petersburg Russia. We are originally from Texas. This post was so real and so good. Thanks for sharing honestly and sharing how God encouraged you. He is so good to us...and wants things for our good(Duet 8:16---I found it good!)...sometimes it takes longer than we desire to get the good, but He is wanting that for us. Thank you Jesus for Brother Rich--and your lovely family!


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