
Friday, February 27, 2009

English? Who would have thunk it?

As a missionary you try many different things to have more and more contact with people. Our goal is to meet more and more people, so that we can witness to them. Through the years we've tried teen camps, Cowboy Day (for children), a baseball camp, and the very popular English class. In many fields teaching English to nationals has been a very useful tool. The problem with this is I slept through English class in school, and my lovely wife doesn't want to get up in front of people and teach English. Although I must say she prepared all the material that we're using. So this means every Thursday night I get to stand up in front of a few Croatian people and teach them something that I don't no myself. Sure wish I would have paid attention in Mrs. Wallace English class now!

Some of our people are wanting to learn English so they are taking the class as well. Brother Alen, a young man that is growing in the Lord, wants to be able to help translate for visiting preachers when they come. He has such a good spirit, and he is a soul-winner! Last night in the break brother Alen was witnessing to a lady, Branka, that's taking the class. She hasn't got saved yet. Brother Alen is trying to make sure she at least gets a chance to hear the Gospel! Thank God for Brother Alen and others like him who have a burden to reach their own people.


  1. Amen for Brother Alen!
    What a blessing he is to the ministry.
    Teaching English Class - What an amazing turn of events! That proves that God can do anything. :)
    And a 15 minute sermon on TV while I am there? Wow! What a tremendous opportunity that would be. We will pray that comes through. I can hardly wait to see what God can do.
    I am so excited, I can hardly see straight.

  2. What a great tool. Maybe you will get to fine tune what you didn't pay attention to in school!

  3. We too are teaching English here in Spain. My forte is conversation. of course. Joseph does better in the grammer end. We team up too when neccesary. We just had a Dr. come to us for English help. We do more private teaching in homes. It has opened some doors.

  4. I can just see Mrs. Wallace shaking her head at you, LOL!

    But I think you will do a fine job teaching English, and it is a great tool for evangelism! We are thinking about doing that here as well. Seems that everybody wants to learn English.


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