
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sowing Seed!

Much of our ministry here has been that of sowing seed! We are in a country that has very few believers. Many of the Catholics here see Baptist as a sect. Because of this we have found that the Lord has us here to sow the seeds that will one day grow and turn this country towards God.

Recently we received 100,000 copies of John and Romans, from Harvest Baptist Church in FT. Dodge, Ia. Our desire is for everyone in our city to receive a copy of the JR's, each book also contains a few Gospel tracts.

Every week my family stamp and stuff the JR's with Gospel tracts. We try to prepare about 700-900 for Saturday.

Then a team of us goes out and distributes the seed throughout our city. We sure pray that one day that seed will grow and that our team of sowers will increase. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal. 6,9

After a little work we all enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather at a small European coffee shop. We all had a great time sowing the seed and the fellowship that followed!

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