
Monday, May 28, 2012

week of Soul-winning in Cakovec

Dear Praying Friends,

Our week of soul-winning as come to an end for this year. God was good to us as we stood up in the town and park sharing the Gospel to as many people as would listen to us. In Cakovec for the week we gave out the Gospel 105 times, and there were 35 professions of faith in Christ. 

God did so many wonderful things during the week, that we can truly say God was working and moving in lives and in our city. One event that sticks out in my mind to illustrate this point is a story of a young man that was an Agnostic. He met Brother Sam Ward in the park and Sam tried to witness to him. The young man told him he was an Agnostic and Sam said in his normal sarcastic way, "you've got to be kidding!" Sam then began to preach to him that creation declares the glory of God as well as a few other things. Before the young man left Sam he said to him, "good speech", and then left. The next day Sam and I were in the park and this 18 year old came up to me and said, "I've decided to believe", I was shocked because this does not happen everyday. Sam quickly told me the story and said the young man needs to hear the Gospel. I went through God's wonderful plan of salvation and he bowed his head and received Christ as his personal Savior! Thank you all for praying God truly showed up this week in Croatia.

We ended the week with Friend Day, and God blessed that as well. We had many visitors and four first time visitors. There was a great spirit in the church as God's people fellowshipped together. The visitors stuck around as well.

Again I want to thank all of you who prayed. I believe your prayers made a big difference here in this dark place. If you would please continue to pray as we try and follow up on these contacts.

Because of Jesus,

Brother Johnny

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