
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Croatian Christmas project underway!

We've been back in Croatia and have been as busy as ever! It's been Christmas time and that is always a busy time for us. The Lord has been good and already we've had some saved! Praise the Lord!

Our biggest thing going now is our Christmas in Croatia project. Scott Holcomb and Kevin Brown raised money for food baskets and we were able to distribute them last week to many down and out families. What a blessing it was to so many, as strangers came to their door with a basket of food. I believe many contacts have been made through this ministry. We would covet your prayers on behalf of these people we've contacted.

We were also able to bring back many gifts for poor children on our container. The container did not arrive until a few days after Christmas, so we got a late start, but better late than never. Our team, The Telebar family, Sam Ward, The Holcomb family and the Brown family worked hard sorting everything and getting it all ready to be distributed. What a joy it has been distributing the many gifts, and scarfs that were in the container. We've brought smiles to many children and through this ministry they have seen the love of Christ.

We want to send a special thanks to all who have participated in sending money and gifts, which makes this all possible. God bless you and I hope you enjoy the few pictures below!

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