
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Great weekend!

We had a great time in the Lord this past weekend! Saturday our church went to the capitol of Croatia to pass out tracts, books, etc.

There were several saved and the fellowship with our people was great. Everyone was encouraged and lifted up.

Every Church needs fellowship among it's people. We've found that some of the best fellowship you can have within your church is out soul-winning. We worked from 10-1, and then we all had a picnic in the park together. Then we started working again to about 4. It was a great day in the Lord!

Bro. Dean and a new convert named Kerso went with us for the first time. They were such a blessing to me.

These two men were out passing out the John and Roman's like they had been doing it their whole lives! I like to see new Christians immediately get involved with the Soul-winning ministries of the Church.

Sunday we had great services in both churches! Bro. Kreso got baptized along with Jasmin, Bro. Dean's oldest son! We also had two saved! One man, Sinasa who was Kreso's brother got saved, and also a friend that Bro. Kreso brought got saved!

What a great weekend! I hope they all get that way. Nothing creates excitement in a church more than seeing people saved and the waters stirred!


  1. What a great weekend it was. Too bad Josh and I didn't get to go to the capital with you guys, next time!!

    Great things are happening!!

  2. Incredible. Praise the Lord. It's great to see your auditorium filling up and the waters stirred. Best of all to see people saved. Wonderful!

  3. I really enjoyed viewing your blog. I have it bookmarked now so I can check it daily. Keep up the good works....
    Pat Rasbeary

  4. Hi
    Glad to see how the Lord is getting victory in your vineyard.
    Steve Andres -


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