
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow!

I grew up in Texas and this is all new to me! This is the most snow I've seen at one time in my life! Yesterday it started snowing here and it hasn't stopped yet. It was suppose to stop today, but they have changed the forecast and have extended it through tomorrow!

You may be asking, why is he showing us this? Well, My good friend Dr. Raz told me I needed to start blogging again! I thought to myself what should I blog about, and I then looked outside and remembered all this snow!

I do want to be more faithful in my blogging, and this is just a starting point! Much has been happening here, although we have slowed down because of the snow, and I hope to share it all with you soon! Thanks for praying for our ministry here! God is so good!


  1. Hey, that looks like....Texas today. It's snowing here too. But at least it won't be here long. Looks beautiful there.

  2. I think it must be snowing everywhere right now (almost)! This year has been quite a winter here in Alabama. My brother in law is traveling here from Texas right now and he said it was snowing in Texas this morning when he left! We should get some of it in the morning. Enjoy it while it last! I'm hoping for some warm weather soon though!

  3. What beautiful pictures. God is so good! His Spirit is at work even in winter and soon will be spring when life comes out and all His work blooms. God bless you and your faithful family.

  4. By the way, that hawk picture is cool.


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