
Monday, January 4, 2010

This and that!

Well I haven't been the most faithful bloger lately, so I thought I would post a little about a lot that's been happening in our lives.

First: We had a great Christmas program with a few first time visitors. Our children sang a few songs and we had a small play about John 3:16. It was a straight forward Gospel message. After words Brother Rich preached and gave an invitation.

Second: The week of Christmas our family bought gifts for the children in our Sunday School class. Many of these are Gypsy children, and we went around to their houses to distribute the gifts. There wasn't much in them but it was what we could do. It was a joy to be giving and that is what Christmas is about. It was so much better to give than to receive. We were surprised when Tori asked some of the children, the following Sunday, what did you get for Christmas. They begin to tell her and for many of them they only got what we gave them.

Thirdly: We celebrated the New year with our church family. The Holcomb's were with us and we had a great time. Brother Rich preached, Brother Scott sang, and I ate! This was our first watch night service and it was a success! We had a good attendance, with a few visitors!

The New year is now here and we are ready to get to work! I am so looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in Croatia in the year 2010!


  1. It has been a busy couple of weeks. Things have been going well actually. Have you stopped to consider that we haven't had any major drama lately, okay except last night but other than that things have been pretty quiet. Oh yea I forgot about the church van breaking down last night but that wasn't really that big of a deal and I came to the rescue after all.
    I'm excited to see what God is about to do with us. Thanks for being so faithful in 2009! I love ya babe!


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