
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Help is arriving!

For years we have been the only Independent Baptist missionaries in Croatia. Well Thursday that will change! Brother and Sister Holcomb and their kiddos will be arriving. My family is getting so excited. We are all going to pick them up at the airport, and we are so looking forward to this new chapter of the work in Croatia. We have been faithful sowing a lot of seed, and I really have a great feeling that this will be the year that we get to reap some of that seed! We are placing it all in the Lord's hands. He is still God and still on His throne. We are so thankful to Him for sending the Holcombs to Croatia!


  1. I'm so happy they're coming. Honestly it seemed like it would never happen. After 10 years of waiting it's about time! I know God sent them when He was ready but you know what I mean!
    2 more days!

  2. God is good all the time & all the time God is good. We're coming right behind the Holcombe family and can't wait!! We'll keep you updated!Spring 2010. . . hopefully ;0)

  3. Praise the Lord. We are very happy for you. Ya'll have done a great job plowing the fields up. We pray that you will begin to see an even greater harvest.

  4. So when you planning on blogging again???


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