
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bible update!

Well last week we officially finished the New Testament! It has now been sent to Myra Noel. She will format it for us and make it look like a Bible. Myra helped us with the John and Romans and she did a great job. It is amazing how God put her in our path. A few years ago we were on furlough and just finished up the John and Romans. I had been praying about what to do next. I was going to start formatting it myself, but I don't think that would have been such a good ideal. We happened to be in a missions conference in Texas and Myra saw our presentation, and that we were translating the Bible. After the service she gave me her card and said that she helps get Bibles ready for print. She also told me that she would be willing to help us! Wow, God is so good! Just at the right time he put someone in our path that could do what we could not do! We are so thankful to our Lord for Myra. She has been able to contact our printer and get all the needed information so that she will prepare our Bible and it will be print ready!

Bro. Rich and I have begun the Old Testament. To this date we have already translated: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, the Psalms and most of the minor prophets. This week we will begin to go over the Psalms and fix anything that might need fixing!

We are all getting excited here for very soon we will have the New Testament in our hands!


  1. Amen Brother! When God wants something done, He certainly does have a way of working things out.
    I can't wait to use that New Testament while leading Croatians to Christ! Wow.


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