
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Back, From Budapest!

The last few days I've been in Budapest, Hungary. Brother Rich and I were invited to participate in the missions conference of Bible Baptist Church. This church has been supporting brother Rich's ministry for some time now. Thursday night Brother Rich preached in English and he did an outstanding job. I preached Friday night and I really felt the presence of God.

Brother Pranger has taken over this work and he is doing a great job. I really enjoy being around him. He is a man that walks with God and he rubs off on you.

We enjoyed the time in Budapest, but it is so nice to be home. We are both refreshed and ready to get back to work.


  1. Amen, glad that ya'll had a good trip.

  2. So glad you had a good time, but more glad that your home!!

  3. Amen for Brother Rich!
    I am glad ya'll had a good and refreshing time in Budapest.

  4. Glad everyone had a good time. One of the young missionaries at our conference on deputation to Russia, Daniel Middlebrooks used to work with Bro. Pranger in Russia. He speaks very highly of him.


Thanks for visiting Life in the Field.