
Friday, March 6, 2009

No greater joy!

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. (III John 1,4) It is a blessing serving God on the mission field. In Croatia, we seem to have more time as a family serving God, than we did while we were in the States. When we were in the states there was a lot of activity, but it seemed little time for family. Don't get me wrong, I think we ought to have a lot of activity when it comes to serving God, but not at the expense of the family! Sometimes American families are so busy with ministry that they have little time for family alter. I'm for ministry! I love the Lord Jesus and want to serve Him with all that I have. As a dad I know that He, Jesus, gave me my family and they are my primary responsibility. Many times families are so busy with activities that they don't pray nor read their Bibles together.

I have found as a dad that their is no greater joy than see our children walk in truth. Just recently Joshua, my youngest son, asked me if he could preach a sermon to us. What a joy it was to know he was walking in truth. He has a desire to serve the Lord. Now he and his brother are leading the devotions once a week and preaching to the family once a week. This may seem strange to some of you, but there is no greater joy than to see your children walk in truth. I love to see my converts grow in truth, but to be honest it doesn't compare to seeing my children walk in truth.

We haven't always had family alter, but since we've been doing it consistently it has changed our family for the better. If you are loaded down with activities so much that you don't have time to spend as a family then maybe it's time to get rid of some of the activities!


  1. Well said!
    I'm so glad to see the way God is molding out kids and my prayer is that He will use all of them in His service.
    Thanks for being such a good example for all of us.

  2. You are right, Bro. Johnny, there IS no greater joy than that!

  3. Amen Brother!

    I read this from my cellphone while in Atlanta this week and it blessed my heart. Your testimony is a challenge to all.
    God Bless You, and God Save Croatia!


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