
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Great time of Fellowship!

It's great to be back in Croatia! Our trip to Budapest was wonderful. We had a great time of fellowship with Brother and Mrs. Pranger. They are taking the place of our friends that just left the field. We immediately hit it off with them. That's pretty easy when it's been over six months since you sat face to face with someone and spoke English. I didn't realize just how much we missed the fellowship. I personally was uplifted being around this family. They were missionaries in Russia since 1992. Because they couldn't get their visa renewed God moved them to Hungary. It was nice because I was able to draw from his expierence. He spoke Russian, and was able to give me some tips that will help me to better learn Croatian.

I feel charged up and ready to get back to work. This Sunday we will have Friend Day in our church here. This year we've tried something new. We took an add out on the television, and it's been running for a week. We pray that many will be saved!

Next time I post I'll try to not ramble so much. Just wanted to let everyone know we're back. Here are a few pictures to enjoy.

Tori and I at TGI Fridays. It is not the same as the American TGIF! The food was horrible!


  1. We had so much fun, but I'm glad to be home!

  2. Brother Johnny, you're always welcome at my table. Come on up.

  3. Glad y'all had such a good time, and met some new friends. PTL!

  4. What a blessing to meet new friends! I'm glad ya'll had such a good time.

  5. Hey Bro,

    I am good friends with Bro Pranger! Before coming to PNG as a missionary, I was assistant pastor at the Independent Baptist Church of Anchorage. He was one of our missionaries. When he was in Russia (Magadon region), he would frequently come to Anchorage. Please tell him I said hello. Ask him when is he coming to PNG for a visit.

    Bro Terry

  6. Brother Terry,

    I'll see brother Pranger in a few weeks I'll make sure to say hello to him from you.


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