
Friday, October 31, 2014

Day of the Dead

Every year in Croatia the grave yards are lit up like Christmas trees! Stores are filled with candles, flowers and small battery operated lamps. People line up to buy these items by the droves. After being here 14 years it still amazes me of how many folks go out and spend money on loved ones who have already gone. On the 1st of November after a family meal, folks will gather at the grave yard  to pay their respects to a mom or dad, friend or sibling. They will place a flower or candle on the grave, most of the time not for any religious reason, but simply because the remembering that loved one who is with them no more. Last night we went to our local grave yard to see all the candles burning. As we walked through I couldn't help but ask my self, how many of these folks are burning in hell? How many of them never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My heart is convicted to do more to get the Gospel to these precious people! We can't help those who are dead, but we can do all we can for those who are alive! 

Many folks made sure that Jesus wasn't left out. To honor their dead "Jesus" they went out and bought him some candles. Maybe they should have read John11:25 "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:"


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