
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Prayer Letter!

July & August 2011

Dear Fellow Laborer,
        Greetings to you from the state of Michigan! We are a little over half way through with our three month road trip. I think by now we are all road weary, and tired of living out of a suitcase. I guess it will make our arrival home to Croatia that much sweeter. Up here in Michigan it has turned cooler and the climate is much like Croatia. This has left us home sick and we are getting excited about returning home. There was a time we didn’t consider Croatia home, but after eleven years God has done something in us. He has knit our hearts with the people of Croatia; they have become like family to us. Praise the Lord for His work of grace in us!

       The Gypsy Christmas program is going well. Many have responded to it and we are excited about this great work. We were just at Covenant Baptist Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan and they had 50 shoe boxes ready for us. We loaded them in our trailer to take back to Texas and then on to Croatia. We’ve also been in touch with Calvary Baptist Church in Mulshoe, Texas, and they are sending 100 packages for the Gypsy children. Praise the Lord for this and God bless all of you who have helped with this project.

     We would like to give a special thanks to Pensacola Baptist Temple in Pensacola Florida, and also to Grace Baptist Church in Louisburg, North Carolina. Both of these churches gave what was needed to get our container shipped! Yes we do have the money for the container now! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to see our God once again answer prayer. I didn’t even have a meeting at Grace Baptist in North Carolina; we just dropped in on a Sunday morning. Brother Bailey gave me a few minutes to report, and while I was up there he asked me if we have any needs. I told him we still needed 1,000 dollars for the container. (We actually needed 1,500 I miss spoke.) Brother Bailey then began to raise money in that service for our container. By the end of the service they gave 1,500 for the container. I miss spoke, but God knew what we needed! It never ceases to amaze me when God shows up and answers prayers. All I can say is, Glory to God!

       The Bible project continues forward. Brother Lemmon out of Tennessee has the New Testament and the Psalms and has begun printing them, all 10,000 copies. I’m planning on picking them up towards the end of October and then get them to Texas and place them on the container. Please pray with us that all will go smoothly as there will be much paper work to get done to get the Bibles into Croatia.
Brother Rich continues to translate while I’m in the States. Please pray for him as he translates that God will give him wisdom and grace. Also please pray for his health. He hurt his back moving a refrigerator, and is waiting for an MRI. He was told that he might have to have surgery.

       I’m still getting good reports from the field. They are passing out many tracts and have had visitors in both churches. Brother Scott Holcomb has got a burden for the many surrounding villages around the cities where our churches are. He is led people from the church to put John and Romans and gospel tracts in each mail box of these villages! I know they have already covered several thousand homes. Praise the Lord for their faithfulness!

        As I close, I want to thank you all for your love and support of our family! We are truly grateful to be a part of your missions program! Thank you for giving to the Lord!

Please remember to pray for:
1.      The container, much paper work to be done, and possibly might have to pay 1,500 for taxes!
2.      Safety as we travel!
3.      Power as I preach!
4.      Souls to be saved!
5.      The money needed for a car in Croatia!
Because He Lives,

Johnny Leslie

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