
Monday, March 21, 2011

A Widow and her mites!

As we travel the country reporting to churches we've had so many blessings. I've met people who pray for me regularly that I didn't even know were praying for me! 

This week we've been in Council Bluffs Iowa at the Eastern Hills Baptist Church for their missions conference. The church has been supporting me for about 11 years now and this has been the first time that I've been able to return and show them what God has been doing in Croatia. Several years ago the church started sending $10 a month to our Croatian Bible project. I assumed the church read one of our letters and took the project on for support.

When I arrived the Pastor introduced me to Miss Straw, a widow in the church. He told me she read the letter and saw the need and wanted to get involved with getting the Croatian people the Word of God. He also said Miss Straw supports missions heavily. I immediately thought about the widow in Mark 12 who gave her two mites.

I was humbled and encouraged, because a little lady like this has decided to use her money in getting the Gospel around the world. I just wonder how many ladies like Miss Straw are out there in Churches all over this country, and they are doing more for the Lord than anyone knows. I'm sure as the Lord is passing out rewards many of us will be standing behind a host of widow ladies who gave what they had for the cause of Christ!

I was blessed and my life has been enriched because of Miss Straw! It is truly a good thing to be a servant of the Lord.


  1. Great! I am going to use that as an illustration Sunday morning. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I tweeted your story! You should catch up with the 21st century and join Twitter! :)

  3. Think about meeting people like Mrs. Straw at the Judgment Seat and finding out the investments they made in your ministry!


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