
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mormon soul-winner!

I thought I have seen everything, but tonight I saw something new! A Mormon soul-winner! Last week we had a man drop in on our services. After the service I presented the Gospel to him, and when I ask him if he wanted to receive Christ, he said he's already done that at the Mormon church. It was then I realized he was a Mormon. We began to debate awhile and he finally left.

Tonight he showed up again, but this time he brought someone with him. After the service, I and some other men in the church led the Mormon's friend to the Lord! Amen! I later learned that the Mormon came back to try and debate with me more. Boy was he surprised as his friend got gloriously saved, and he again heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ! So I guess God can even use Mormon's to bring people to Jesus!

We had a great day today. There was a total of 4 saved! Praise Almighty God!


  1. Praise the Lord! LOL God can use anyone!

  2. Praise the Lord! I grew up in Utah and I know the Lord's Spirit has worked mightily in this instance. All is possible with God. Praise Him again!

  3. It was a sight to see. I was amazed as how well our men did in talking with him. Hopefully we'll see Bratko and our Mormon partner soon!

  4. I love it, Brother Johnny!! That's great.

    You just never know who God will put in your path!! :D



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