
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blessings and battles!

Boy have we been busy here! I'm not complaining I enjoy the fact that God has kept me busy in the field. Just today we had two saved and one baptized!!!! Last week we had one baptized!!! These are great victories for us!

Yesterday I picked up Bro. Sam Ward from the airport. Many of you may know that Brother Sam comes to Croatia to help with our soul-winning conferences. This time he came and had a one way ticket! Glory to God!

Brother Holcomb's family seems to be settling in just fine. They are busy in the Church and are learning the language.

I have learned in ministry when you have great victories then great problems usually follow. Tonight while trying to pick people up for church, our van broke a belt that left it crippled. It made it hard to pick up everybody for Church, but praise the Lord Brother Scott came through. Then also tonight the lady that got Baptized had something stolen from her in Church. She is pretty upset about it, and we pray that the devil doesn't use it for a stumbling block against her. Please pray for Nina.

Tomorrow we head to Budapest to pick up Brother Smith, who will be preaching a conference for us this coming week.

I know this is kinda of a scattered post, but I wanted you all to know what was going on with us here!


  1. Today was a great day! The two souls saved in Varaždin and then Nina tonight, Praise the Lord!

  2. Praise the Lord for His goodness to ya'll and the victories you have experienced today! We are another percent closer to Croatia. Another church took us on today for support! 73%

  3. Great report! Praise God for the ones saved. - And that you all never let the devil win the war even tho he gets some battles!


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