
Monday, October 26, 2009

Glory to God!

We had a great day yesterday in both churches! On Sunday mornings the new Church plant meets in Varazdin. We had a first time visitor show up, and he got gloriously saved! He is fruit from the soul-winning marathon. He actually did not get a tract from us, but a friend of his got a tract from us, and gave it to him! God is so amazing how he can work! Pray for him, his name is Dean, and he is an ex-drugatic. He said he's been clean for 18 months and he knows he needs God in his life. Dean told us that he enjoyed the service and asked me if he could come back. I don't think I have to tell you my response.

Sunday evening we meet at the other Church in Cakovec. We had a great meeting there with one visitor. Brother Alen used to come to our church, but he hasn't been in awhile. The people were really happy to see him in church. Also many of our kids came back!

Thank you all who pray for this work. Please continue to do so! We believe that through prayer this wall of religion will come tumbling down!


  1. It was a great day. I was so glad to see Dean get saved yesterday, how wonderful is that? You know if he brings his wife and 7 kids we are already out of room in Varazdin. It's almost time to start looking for something larger.
    Oh yea and your sermon yesterday morning was great, I totally love the book of Ruth now.

  2. Glory Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
    What an incredible blessing.

  3. That's also a great testimony for the value of a gospel tract! You never know where it will end up. At our church we call them our paper soldiers.
    I am thrilled for you all. If that man has a family of 7, you hit the jackpot. You know that they have a bunch of friends too. I am praying that this will open many doors of opportunity in the 2 churches.


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