
Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Report!

The two weeks of soul-winning came to an end, and we praise God for all that was accomplished! Sunday we were expecting great things to happen, and it did not turn out like we hoped it would. After all the work we had not one visitor in either church. At first I was pretty discouraged, but then I remembered were I was. Croatia is a dark place that has been bound by religion. It is going to take time to see something happen here. I am going to cling to Galatians 6,9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. God's holy word is still true, and I still believe it!

We did have some positive things. One man called me on Sunday wanting directions to the Church. He did not show up, but maybe next Sunday he will. Today another lady called. She received a tract and wants more information. This shows me that God is still speaking to people through the tracts that we passed out.

Again I want to thank all of you who prayed! So many great things happened, and I know they happened because of your prayers. I want to ask you to continue to pray for Croatia. Pray that God will turn these precious people from darkness to light!


  1. Well, no one can take away the 78 that were saved. Or that your sons got to lead some to Christ. Or the seed that was sown. Sounds very successful to me. Great job!

  2. You did have one show up at each church! That is progress forward! It is always funny to me how much later someone comes after receiving a tract. We have a man that has been coming (6'7" black man) because he had drove past our church and saw the sign out front. Another man came because he had seen our church bus and wanted to go where they care about kids. The point is that people know you are there. How many tracts did you say you passed out? - 3000? That's alot of tracts! There are only 3500 people in our town!

  3. What a great two weeks. I can't wait to see what will happen and who will come to church over the next several months.
    Great job!

  4. Brother,
    I am ecstatic to hear that someone else also called!
    You are the "bowman" of Croatia.
    God Bless.


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