
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day #8 Soul-winning marathon!

Yesterday we left Zagreb with a burden in our hearts! In the capitol city there are 1,000,000 people and not one Independent Fundamental Baptist Church! We spent the day passing out tracts and witnessing! I don't know how many tracts we passed out, but it was close to 3,000. We also brought a suit case full of John and Romans. These went so quick that I had people asking me for them. God's Holy Word was sown in a big way yesterday! All I can say is praise God for allowing me to be in the ministry.

The Gospel was presented many times as well! There were 9 saved, which brings the grand total to 60 souls saved! Cody was able to lead two and I don't know how many times Joshua presented the Gospel, but it was a lot! Brother Rich, the national pastor, gave out the Gospel so many times that I thought he was going to loose his voice. I praise God for a Croatian pastor who is a soul-winner! Brother Sam was a blessing as he pleaded with as many people as he could find that spoke English to get saved!

The soul-winning team had a great day of fellowship as we worked for the King of Kings! We want to thank you all for praying! Prayer still works! Today we will be returning to Varazdin. Please pray that many will get saved there and that we will gain many contacts for our church plant in this city!

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