
Friday, October 16, 2009

Day #10 Soul-winning marathon!

Now I remember why we call it a soul-winning marathon! We have two days left and I'm beat. After talking to people for several hours a day, 9 days straight it begins to wear on you. I'm so glad the Bible says that in our weakest moments God has His strongest moments in our lives! II Corinthians 12:10 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

We had another good day yesterday. There were 4 saved which brings us to 70 souls saved! Joshua had two! Way to go Joshua! It is still cold here, although God gave us lots of sunshine. I think the weather has some factor because there are not as many people walking around the square. When we do find them they are in a hurry to get out of the cold. I do think they must know that we believe in what we are doing. Who else would stand in the cold all day? It is good that the people of Croatia see that someone really believes that the Bible is true!

Please keep praying! We really need your prayers. The work we are doing is a spiritual one and we are fighting a spiritual battle. Pray specifically for the services on Sunday. I'm really hoping that we will have many visitors in both churches. Catholicism runs deep in many people here and we need God to break down the wall of religion.


  1. 70! Amen! I'll be praying for the next two days and your services on Sunday.

  2. 70 is incredible! Praise God. Way to go Cody and Josh. You are doing valiantly.

  3. Praise the Lord! Our prayers to the Father for His work in the saving of the Soul's He loves so much. We pray that you our Brother and Sister's in Christ we will meet someday are strengthened in this marathon that has an eternal prize!


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