
Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Hobby!

Well I gave up on rollerblading. I'm to old to take those falls. It was hurting to bad. Golf didn't work out, because it is way too expensive in Europe. Then I tried tennis, and realized my knees really are bad. So now I have taking up fishing. I can say that this sport is my speed. I sat and waited and ate. Boy I like that. My wife thought it was funny because I took more food with me than fishing equipment. It was nice out at a small pound, very quite and peaceful day. I even caught my first fish! Well when I was a boy I went all the time and caught many fish. Let's just say this is my first fish in Croatia. I would have done this sooner, but it takes and act of congress to get a fishing license in this country. You actually have to take a test to get a license. However, I was able to bypass the bureaucracy and i finally got a license.

Today was my big fishing day. It's a good thing that the stores are still open because if they were not my family would have starved. I did catch a fish. In the picture he looks big, but in reality he's about 3 inches long. He swallowed my hook, and I'm not happy about that. I had to perform an operation to save the hook. The operation was a success, but the patient died. Sorry if there are any fish lovers out there. Well 3 inches today maybe 4 tomorrow!


  1. Wow, at least it's a real fish!
    Next time!

  2. Bigger than the one I didn't catch the other day!

  3. Least ya weren't skunked! That fish wasn't smarter than you!


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