
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Camping fun!

We have three children, and have been married almost 18 years and we have never been camping, until now. Yes for the first time in our marriage we went camping. I must say it was really a lot of fun, well kinda? I didn't like sleeping on the ground, or listening to our dog cry all night, but other than that we had a blast.

We only stayed a day and a night, but for us that was enough. We spent our first camping experience on the river Mura. This was a beautiful spot, out in the middle of nowhere.

We tried our hand at fishing. Didn't catch anything, but I was able to loose about 15 hooks. I'm not sure why we didn't catch anything. It could have been the can corn I was using for bait, yes we forgot to buy bait or it could have been our dog who couldn't stay out of the water. I knew we should have got a chihuahua.

I can say we had a great time and we'll probably go back sometime in the next 18 years!

If you are wondering why there are no pictures of Tori it's because she wouldn't let me post any.


  1. That's great! We also went camping for the first time a few weeks ago. About a month ago we bought a pop up camper. We really enjoyed it!

    And, yes, I was looking for pictures or Tori!!!

    I didn't post pictures of me on our camping trip either, LOL!

  2. Looks like ya'll had a lot of fun!
    Oh, Bro. Johnny, I sure like your cullottes!

  3. Ha Ha Ha! I take it Tori didn't do well without a blowdryer! Aren't ya'll from Texas? - and ya never been camping? huh! Never would of guessed that. We never get to go much any more since being in church for 12 years but my daughter started going camping when she was 8 days old! I grew up camping on a river bank in good ol Missouri every weekend of my life (barring winter time) and so did Bob. I love it and miss it.

  4. Flexibility is the key to any camping trip. Although I am not a fisherman I do know that you don't necessarily go to catch fish (unless ofcourse you're hungry). The canned corn was resouceful, a sign of good missionary training!! ;) Kristina and I can't wait to do a youth camp. You can be our activities director lol.

  5. It was really a lot of fun, except for the no toilet and shower part. I guess I can make it one night but more than that, dunno.
    Hey maybe we should invest in a port-a-potty!


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