
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy birthday, Alen!

Brother Alen is a faithful soul winner in our church. He does not have a family so he is able to go out witnessing pretty much every time Brother Rich or myself goes out. He has been a blessing to me as I try to start the new church in Varazdin. Last week as we were driving to Varzadin, he said: "yesterday was my birthday." He then told me that he did not even know it was his birthday. Apparently he got some card in the mail from an insurrance company telling him happy birthday. He said that he was shocked because he did not even know it was his birtyhday.

I was a little saddened when I heard this. How can a man not know when it is his birthday? I guess if you don't have any family or anyone to celebrate it with you it would be easy to forget.

Brother Alen's mom died of cancer when he was a little boy. His dad, who is an alcoholic, raised him. He grew up pretty lonely, this must be why he loves Jesus so much! He heard about the Savior that will never leave nor forsake him.

Through this I was burdened to try and care more for people. I hope next year he'll learn of his birthday from me and not an insurance company!

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