
Monday, April 6, 2009

Bible conference 2009 day 4

Last night was our final night and we had 31 in attendance. I had 15 in my van and God blessed once again. We had a total of 37 different people attend the meetings. There was a total of three first time visiting adults. Many of the children that came were first time visitors as well. Also there were thirteen saved!

I really praise God for all He did over the past four days. He did far more than we we expected. Thank you all who prayed for this meeting. Croatia is a difficult field, and your prayers made the difference.

This Sunday we have our Easter service coming up and we are excited about that. We have many visitors lined up for the service.

We are waiting to see what a mighty God can do!


  1. I love seeing the work there. We will be praying for your services. God bless.

  2. What a great conference it has been. God was so good to save 13!

    Can't wait to Bro. smith comes back next year!

  3. Praise the Lord - 13 more going to heaven! Nothing better than having a part in changing someone's eternity! Keep up the good works!


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