
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bible conference 2009 Day 2

We had a great night yesterday! 27 came, which was 6 more than the first night. Many of the kids came back and they brought their friends. We had four more call on Jesus for salvation! Praise the Lord!

Tonight we are expecting more adults to come. We have had many tell us that they would be their on Saturday and Sunday. Please pray that they will come, and that they will get saved!

Brother Rich really impressed me last night. For you who don't know he is the national pastor of the church. At the invitation, brother Smith told the children who were not at the conference the previous night, to see the pastor after the service concerning salvation. When the last amen was said, brother Rich did not wait for them to come to him, rather he went to them! He led four more souls to Jesus! Please pray that these young people will grow in the Lord, and that through them we can reach their families!

I can't wait to see what God will do tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like another great night to praise the Lord for. Keep it going Brother


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