
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where's the bottom!

Just wanted to give you a quick update on our ministry here. Tonight it seemed as though the bottom fell out. Last Wednesday was so great. We packed 21 in a 9 passenger van. Our people were so excited, to see so many children come to church. They all promised to come back on Sunday, which was tonight. Well as you can already tell they did not. Ljubica, brother Rich's wife really prepared this week for them. I was excited to see her take so much initiative for the work of the Lord. When I pulled up with an empty van, the sadness spread quickly through the church.

However I can say we are looking unto the Author and Finisher of our Faith! He is still in control, we simply must be faithful.

Please pray that we will get them back next week. Also we start a Bible conference on Thursday. Please pray for God's power to be on the services!

Don't mean to sound like I'm whining, because I'm not. We just need you to pray for the work here!


  1. I'm praying for you guys. It is heartbreaking and discouraging when things like that happen but all we can do is keep on keepin' on. When you get discouraged or feel like giving the movie "Facing the Giants"! It will give you back the determination and encouragement you need to keep going on for God! Watched it today myself.

  2. Praying for y'all, Bro. Johnny! It sure can be discouraging sometimes, but the Lord is so faithful, even when people aren't!

    God bless your ministry.

  3. Heartbreak to be sure. Just keep circling the wall. To human eyes, it may not seem to be cracking, but God will surely bring it down in time and we'll all be rejoicing with you!

    God Save Croatia!


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