
Monday, March 23, 2009

God can do anything!

Praise the Lord! We have been serving in Croatia alone for sometime. Our last furlough we learned that Brother Scott Holcomb and his family surrendered to come to croatia as missionaries. Shortly after they surrendered to come here, the Croatian law changed and new missionaries could not come into the country! What a bummer. Brother Scott continued with deputation by faith. I just received a phone call from our national pastor, and he said, "I have good news, the law changed!", all I can do is praise God! For He is able to do anything! He can even change the hearts of governments! Please pray for this dear family as they try to get here as soon as possible! You pastors out there can find his information here:

He is a good guy, and is doctrinally sound. They are coming to work along side of us, as we endevour to win this country to our Lord Jesus Christ!


  1. This is wonderful That's the God we serve He knows how to change the laws. Praise His name

  2. Great news, just shows that prayer works and God is not willing that any should perish!

  3. Awesome! There truly isn't anything too hard for God!

  4. Amen Brother. God is paving the way. Praise the Lord.


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