
Monday, March 9, 2009

Friend Day!

Every year we use big days, such as Friend Day, in Croatia to try and reach people with the Gospel. You never know what to expect, we've had high days of 60 and low days with 25. This year we worked harder than ever. I don't know how many people were invited, and there was an excitement in the air as the big day got closer. My son Joshua even fasted, in hopes that this would be the best Friend Day ever! Well the day finally arrived, and we began to be scared as we heard of the many people backing out. Each one had there own excuse, much like the folks in Luke 14, 16-21. When it was all over we had 29, with one first time visiting family. This was a victory in its self. This family was saved about a month ago, and this is there first time to attend one of our services. They are interested in getting baptized.

Although the day was not quite what we were hoping for, we are excited about what God did in bringing this family to us. Every soul is important. In Croatia when you get one family to come you've won a great victory.

Brother Rajko preached a great message and my family sang a couple of songs. I'm learning to play the guitar so I thought I would try it out.

After the service we did what all good Baptist do, we ate! Then we ate! And after we ate, we ate some more!

There was a good fellowship with those who came! We praise the Lord for what God did!


  1. So glad to hear about your new family visiting! I know it can be disappointing when you work so hard for a big day and there is not the turn out you were hoping for, but God knows how big each service needs to be and we have to leave it in His hands. I enjoy your blog and Tori's very much.

  2. Well praise the Lord, we did what we could and that's what counts!

  3. Praise God for a first time family! Amen. That's a blessing.


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