
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Here Goes!

Wow! This is my first ever post! I have no idea what to say. I'm really hoping friends and family from the states can keep up with our ministry in Croatia! I'm really sad I didn't do this before, because God has done so many miracles in this country. It's a shame I've not documented them all. Sometimes I stop and look back over the last 9 years, and I must say when I do I stand in awe of how big our God is! My family has served the Lord in Croatia for the last 9 years. At times it's been lonely for we're the only Independent Baptist missionaries in this whole country. For that matter we are the only independent Baptist missionaries in a 250 mile radius. However, God never promised a life of ease when He said, take up thy cross and follow me! I look back to what I was and now see who I am, and I must say, Lord here am I send me! What a joy to be in a life of service for the Lord. I've got the greatest boss ever!

I pray that through this blog many of you can take a journey with me. I want to share with you our victories and defeats, our joyful times and our sorrowful times, our times of great happiness and our times of great depression! So I hope you will come along with me, and learn what it's like to have a life in the field!

Brother Johnny


  1. Oh I'm so glad you decided to have a blog. You have so much wisdom to share.
    I love you and am so proud to be yours!

  2. Hello Bro Johnny! I'm glad that you have started this blog. I'll be checking it often to see what is going on over there in Croatia. We're praying for you and we appreciate your service.
    Your friend,
    James Rasbeary

  3. I'm glad that you started a blog. I'm really looking forward to reading more about your ministry in Croatia. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together!

    In Christ,
    Nicholas Z. Cardot

  4. God bless you, Bro. Johnny! I look forward to reading your posts about the ministry there in Croatia.

  5. I am so glad to see your blog. I follow Tori's and am glad to see yours on here as well. I am anxious to read about how God uses your family in Croatia.


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