
Sunday, November 13, 2011

What a day!

What a day! I'm not usually late to anything, but this morning we showed up late to soul-winning. It all started when I couldn't find a tie. It seems we've packed them all to send to Croatia. This started us late but no problem I always leave early, because you never know when your ties have been sent to Croatia. We're making good time until we get ready to get on 30 from 360;  it seems they had the freeway shut down. No problem I know all the short cuts in Arlington. However, Every street I chose was shut down. Thanks Jerry Jones for building that big stadium right in the middle of Arlington. We're now 10 minutes late, but no problem we'll press on. I finally get around all the closed streets, and then look up in my  rear view mirror and see red and blue flashing lights, no I was not speeding. I have no ideal why he is pulling me over, by now I think the devil must be in this thing. Come to find out I had no break lights they went out and the policeman almost hit me. He was kind and let me go, and I replaced the fuse that was blown and we were back in business. Finally made it, late though, and Tori and I were able to go through God's plan of Salvation with two people. They did not get saved, but the seed has been planted. Maybe the Lord was testing us to see if we would still go and witness for Him!

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Testaments have arrived!

After waiting much our Bibles have finally arrived from Tennessee! We unloaded them today and Thursday will put them on a container bound for Croatia. We are so excited about it. There are 10,000 New Testaments with the Psalms! They were printed by Bible and Literature missionary foundation in Shelby, Tennessee. Beams out of Mississippi, put hard back covers on all 10,000 Bibles they look sharp and I can't wait to share them with the Croatian people! We are so thankful to Bible and Literature and to Beams for their great sacrifice!